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Window and door series RI-44. A series for architectural exterior and interior development. This "cold" series is a lightweight version of the RI 50, has a condensate drainage and ventilation system.

Series: RI-44.

Window-door series without thermal break RI-50.A series for architectural exterior and interior buildings that does not require thermal insulation. It is used for various types of windows, doors, vestibules, showcases, etc.

Series: RI-50.

Window-door series without thermal rupture RW-64.A series for architectural exterior and interior buildings that does not require thermal insulation. It is used for various types of windows, doors, vestibules, showcases, etc.

Series: RW-64.

Window-door series without thermal rupture RW71. A variant of architectural exterior development, which dictates increased requirements for thermal and sound insulation.

Series: RW-71.

Sliding doors and windows with thermal break RW-71-SL. The series has high rates of heat and sound insulation, air and water resistance and has an attractive modern design.

Series: RW-71-SL.

Window series with thermal break RW-71-HI. The series is designed for window blocks, has high air and water resistance, as well as sound insulation. Thermal inserts in this system are characterized by high strength and low thermal conductivity, which counteracts deformation and rupture of joints at the aluminum-plastic junction with large temperature fluctuations.

Series: RW-71-HI.

Accessories for window and door structures include: hinges, handles, supports, connectors, trunnions, etc.

Series: FAPIM.


All REALIT products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant REALIT: crossbar facades, structural facades, element facades, vent facades, interior partitions, window and door systems, glazing materials, vent lattices
  • Ventlattices REALIT
    RVL-40, etc.
  • Materials for glazing REALIT
    Materials for glazing
    RSL-90-L, RI-40-BG, etc.
  • Window and door systems REALIT
    Window and door systems
    RI-44, RI-50, etc.
  • Interior partitions REALIT
    Interior partitions
    RP-70, etc.
  • Ventfacades REALIT
    RVF-101, RVF-201, etc.
  • Element facades REALIT
    Element facades
    RF-68-EF, etc.
  • Structural facades REALIT
    Structural facades
    RF-50SG, RF-50SSG, etc.
  • Crossbar facades REALIT
    Crossbar facades
    RF-50, RF-50-RR, etc.


The company (Moscow, Obninsk) ALMETA is a production site for the production of profiles under the REALIT brand and is located in the city of Obninsk, Kaluga region (the first science city of the country), and is also one of the five leaders specializing in the extrusion of aluminum profiles.
  • politics

    The company's policy of technical re-equipment and modernization guarantees customers the accuracy and stability of characteristics.
  • production

    The plant is equipped with the most modern equipment with a high level of mechanization and automation of production processes.
  • team

    A highly qualified team of professionals ensures the highest product quality and production efficiency.

Information Board REALIT

Learn more about our products REALIT.
  • Price list for products of the plant REALIT
    Price list for products
  • REALIT Questionnaire марки РЕАЛИТ
    REALIT Questionnaire


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